Create an account
Before you can do anything on the system you need to create an account. In order to do this you will need an email address.
This should be your own personal email address and will be used to notify you when you have new messages or actions.
- Click
- Enter your details
- Click
if you wish to see your password as you enter it
- Click
- You will be sent an email containing a link to confirm your email address
You will not be able to complete your application until you have performed this step.
How to create an email address
If you do not have an email address setting up one is quick and easy to do. The three most popular email providers that provide free email accounts are Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo Mail.
Click the link below of the email provider you want to use:
On the email provider’s website, you will then be able to follow their instructions on how to create your email address.
You can access your emails through the same website that you set up the account on and also add it to the mail app on any tablet or smartphone you may have.
I haven't received an email
The email should be delivered in a few minutes but if you don’t receive it, please check your Spam/Junk folder.
The email will be entitled ‘Confirm your email address’ and come from
If you move the email into your inbox all future emails will appear there automatically.
I still can't find my email
If you cannot find your confirmation email in your Inbox or in your Spam/Junk folder then please follow these steps:
- Send an email to with a title of 'Safe sender'
- The email contents can be left blank
- Click Forgotten your account details
- Enter your email address and request a password reset
A new email will be sent to you that will allow you to confirm your email address and reset your password.
How to complete your application
The application form is broken down into a number of different sections that need to be completed:
- My profile - information about the primary applicant
- Pre assessment questionnaire - to see if you meet the criteria to complete a housing register application
- My family - information about other members of the household
- My addresses - information about your previous address history
- My Housing register application - additional information needed for your housing application
A purple banner is displayed on the My account page to clearly indicate where you are in the application process and what section needs to be completed next.
As you complete your application the details are saved automatically as you move between pages. If you cannot complete all of the application in one go you are able to log back in at a later date and carry on from where you left off.
At the end of each section you need to click before you can move onto the next section.
Once you have completed all sections of the application form a summary will be displayed on your My account page.
The application will automatically be passed through to the back office team for processing.
As part of the application process you will be required to provide additional documentation to support your housing register application. This will be requested through Actions that will be created on your account.
How to read messages
Any messages sent to you will be available through your My account page.
You will receive a notification email each time you are sent a new message. This notification email will also include details of any actions that may be outstanding on your account as well.
Any unread messages are clearly identified and can be accessed by clicking on the Unread messages tile or the Messages button at the top of the page.
How to complete actions
As part of the application process you may be sent actions that you are required to complete. This may include providing documentation to support your application.
Any pending actions are clearly identified and can be accessed by clicking on the Pending actions tile or the Actions button at the top of the page.
If the action requires you to provide supporting documentation then there will be an option to upload a file.
If using a mobile device with a camera then the button will allow you to take a picture of any documents that need to be uploaded.
Once the action is completed it will automatically be passed to the back office for review.
How to bid for properties
You will not be able to bid for properties until your Housing register application has been approved and made Active.
When you log in your My account page will display the number of suitable properties that you can bid on. These can be viewed by clicking on the Suitable properties tile or the Properties button at the top of the page.
For any property that is suitable prior to placing a bid you will see details of the number of people who have already bid on it, and your position on the shortlist should you place a bid. Please be aware your position in the shortlist may change after the advert closes if an auto bid is then placed.
When applying you are told how many bids you will have left and any important information you should be aware of about the property.
If you wish you can make one current property your 'Preferred Property'. This does not give you any additional priority but does allow staff to understand which property you would prefer should you be near the top of multiple shortlists.
Your position on the shortlist is subject to change as more people place and withdraw bids. You can check your current position on a shortlist at any time from your My account page using the My bids tile.
How many bids can I place?
Applicants can bid on up to three properties that are being advertised at any one time (different rules apply for homeless applicants). The system will only allow applicants to bid on properties that are the right size and type for their household requirements. Bidding on a property means that the applicant will be included on the shortlist for that property.
Homeless applicants
Applicants who are owed a statutory homeless duty (i.e., main duty, relief, or prevention) will be subject to an auto bid process whereby up to five bids will be made automatically on their behalf.
Auto bid
Some South Kesteven housing applications may be set to auto bid. This means that the housing system will automatically place their bids on suitable properties when all other bids have been placed. Bids are automatically placed at the end of the advertising period when the advert is closed.
Withdrawing a bid
A bid placed on a property currently being advertised can be withdrawn at any time and placed on another property.
Unsuitable properties
There may be properties that are advertised that are not suitable for you based on your circumstances or needs. You will not be able to bid on these properties. If you wish to see them you need to change the filter that is set at the top of the page to show All properties.
If you are not suitable for a property then you can find out why by clicking/hovering over the button.
How to view previously advertised properties
Details of previously advertised properties can be viewed along with information related to the successful bidder.
Click the Previous properties button on the Home page or the View previous properties link at the top of the Properties page.
When a property is shortlisted, it is usually offered to the applicant with the highest band and who has been waiting in that band for the longest time (determined by an effective date). Applicants can view their bid queue position and bid outcome on their online account. Only successful applicants are contacted directly.